When a child or family in our community experiences crisis, we provide services, resources, education and support, with care, empathy and understanding. As the lead child welfare agency in Duval and Nassau counties, and in partnership with community-based organizations, we improve the circumstances and outcomes for families, provide safe homes for abused and/or neglected children and teens through foster care, and find forever families for children through adoption.

For families faced with challenges and crisis, hope is not lost. Learning how to overcome barriers and get access to the support system needed isn’t always easy. We can help improve and strengthen relationships, and keep children with their families through proven programs and services.
Children who aren’t able to live safely at home are placed in foster care while we work to resolve their family situation. Temporary foster homes that provide a stable, nurturing environment are always needed to help care for our community’s kids. Training, resources and financial assistance is available.
The need for finding forever families for children to be adopted from foster care is great. Especially for teens. It’s unimaginable for anyone to grow up without support, direction, love and a caring family. If you have the means and the heart, expand your family through adoption.
Being a teenager has its own set of challenges. But for those who’ve experienced trauma, finding normalcy can be an uphill battle. Learn how our innovative approach to reaching teens is having everlasting effects. Training and programs for foster parents, caseworkers and community.
Raising a child, siblings or teen? We offer free access to child care programs, community resources for food, clothing and health services, parenting support groups, training and caseworker assistance to serve as your community network. Find forms, benefit details and resources here.
Being the best you can takes effort, knowledge and skill. That’s why we provide the tools and training you need to be successful. Check out online courses and videos on how to become a licensed foster parent, hone your parenting skills, or expand your learning as a caseworker or employee.
Young adults in extended foster care need foster homes, too. Educational programs, aftercare services and health care coverage are available to help support their needs as they transition into adulthood.
Child Care
LSF Duval Head Start and Early Head Start
Episcopal Children’s Services
Early Learning Coalition of DuvalChild care vouchers, requirements, and eligibility
Office of Early Learning
Early Learning Coalition of North FloridaPre-school
Duval County Public Schools
LSF Duval Head Start and Early Head Start
Episcopal Children’s Services -
Child Safety
W-9 form for respite, rent and mortgage payments
Food, Clothing and Housing
Foster Closet is a free resource for foster parents, relative caregivers, and teens in care to find clothing, accessories, toys and furniture and more.
JFCS Max Block Food Pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1 p.m – 3 p.m. No appointment needed.
Located at:
6261 Dupont Station Court E.,
Jacksonville, FL 32217 -
Health Services
Medicaid member handbook is a guide for all healthcare services available to foster parents and relative caregivers. For questions or assistance call 1-866-796-0530
Medicaid application instructions
Care Grant Process for Child Welfare Specialty Plan members seeking services related to social, physical and educational activities
Care Coordination Expanded Benefit Form for medical, dental, mental and behavioral healthCaregivers receive Sunshine Health benefits, including a monthly allowance to purchase everyday over-the-counter (OTC) items like first aid supplies, cold/cough medications, eye drops, toothpaste, pain relievers, vitamins and personal care items. To order, view the Medication Guide
Grant Process for Young Adults
Transitional Assistance Expanded Benefit Request Process
Transitional Assistance Expanded Benefit Request Form
Transitional Care Expanded Benefits for teens turning 18 years oldCOVID
For the latest updates regarding health resources related to COVID-19, visit:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CBC-IH COVID-19 resources and information
Free or low-cost COVID-19 testing locations
Partnership for Child Health is committed to the health and well-being of children, youth and their families. They share our community’s concern about COVID-19 by providing information about monitoring COVID-19 in children, managing COVID-19 at home, family financial assistance and much more.
Parenting and Support Groups
Post-adoption services
Caring for teensFlorida’s Quality Parenting Initiative, Just in Time Training, is a web-based service program designed to connect foster parents, kinship or other caregivers with training, peer experts and other resources. Questions are answered and practical solutions to care for children are discussed.
Care Grant Process for post adoption families to receive $150 funding
Foster care training for annual recertification
First Coast Foster and Adoptive Parent Association
Florida Foster & Adoptive Parent Association
Foster Allegation Support Team
Foster Florida
Grandfamilies State Law and Policy Resource Center
Greater Jacksonville Foster & Adoptive Parent Association
Northeast Florida Foster & Adoptive Parent Association -
Child Welfare Policies & Resources
Community Resources
Aunt Bertha
Social care network
Florida Department of Children and Families
United Way
Kids Hope Alliance offers help and information about child care, food, utilities, Internet, mental health, senior citizens, struggling small business owners, unemployment and more.
FSS Facebook Feed
Fulfilling Our Mission
Families supported & strengthened
Families reunified
Foster family homes
Forever families created